Happy August! Summer is starting to wind down, and school is starting once again. This month we’ve mostly been playing catch up from the last few months, but we do have some exciting news coming up in a couple of months.
Just as a reminder to everyone, Pegasus Fleet will be celebrating our fourteenth anniversary on October 10. I know that’s still a couple months away, but we’ve been hard at work on some big projects and exciting news, so make sure to save the date on October 8 for our birthday celebration.
We have two anniversaries to celebrate from this past month. On July 1, the USS Pennsylvania celebrated their fourth anniversary! Congratulations to Captain Taggart, Commodore Flailer NavyVet, and the crew of the Pennsylvania!
And on July 2, the USS Endurance celebrated their second anniversary! Congratulations to Captain Temperance Harding, CAPT Harding – USS Endurance, and the crew of the Endurance!
Congratulations to both sims on these incredible milestones!
I know we’ve been a bit behind on the monthly awards lately, and for that I’d like to sincerely apologize. The staff have all had a lot going on in RL the several months, including the special projects we have been working on that we hope to reveal soon. Because of that it’s meant that some of our other projects have fallen a bit behind.
That said, I think we are now caught up with the monthly awards. So without further ado, let’s get to them. We’ll start off with our Post of the Month winners for February and March.

We hope to announce the Post of the Month winners for all of these months at our next meeting, so be sure to check them all out and vote.
As always, Live Long and Prosper,