Pegasus Fleet Monthly Update – December 2024

Hello, everyone!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! We’ve reached the end of the year and the holiday season, and as usual, it means that most of us have been busy with various social gatherings, shopping, gift giving, and just trying to finish up our work for the year. I hope everyone will be able to enjoy the holidays with their loved ones.

I’d also like to take a moment to thank you all for everything you’ve done this year. Here’s to many more!

We don’t have a lot of business this month, but we have a couple of announcements before I get into our main topic in December.

First off, I’m trying something a little different this month with the monthly update. Previously I’ve been posting the update on our Discord server, with links back to our main site for polls, such as Post of the Month. Since we have this new site and its posting ability available to us, it only makes sense to make better use of it. For our monthly updates that aren’t held live, I’ll start posting them here. And for the live meetings, I will start posting the update here after the meeting. If anyone has any questions about the information provided in the monthly update, we will still always have our Discord server available to us.

If anyone has any feedback about this method of delivering the monthly update, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Secondly, it was recently announced that the Babel Conference will be held on Saturday, January 18. The event will be held on the Babel Conference Discord server. For more information, check out the Babel Conference site here:

Before we get to our biggest business of the month, I’d like to announce our monthly award winners for November.

Silver SotM - November 2024 - USS Vela

Gold SotM - November 2024 - USS Chimera

PotM - October 2024 - USS Chimera

“A Peace En Voyage” by Ensign Jeff Elazar

Congratulations to all of our winners!

In order to cast your vote for the November Post of the Month, check out each nominee in the poll below and select your favorite. The poll will remain open through Friday, January 10.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please select your choice for the November Post of the Month. Click on the post name to read the post, and remember, every vote counts!

Since it is December and the end of the year, that means it’s time to start thinking about our annual Fleet awards! As usual, we have several categories that are up for grabs. Our first two awards will be voted on by all of you. In years past I would have had to send you to another website to vote. But thanks to the power of our site, we can hold our votes right here! To cast your vote for the Pegasus Fleet 2024 Annual Awards, just vote for your choice in the polls below.

Commanding Officer of the Year
This award is given to COs who have been active within the fleet for the entire year who show great dedication to their ship. This award will be voted on during the month of December.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please select your choice for the 2024 Commanding Officer of the Year

Executive Officer of the Year
This award is given to an XO who has been active in their position for a minimum of 3 months and who shows great dedication to their ship. This award will be voted on during the month of December.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please select your choice for the 2024 Executive Officer of the Year

Roman Sanchez Sim of the Year
Awarded to the best sim of the year, using their monthly award performance.

Task Force Sim of the Year
Awarded to the best sim of the year, using their monthly award performance.

Pegasus Fleet Anniversary Writing Competition
Awarded to the writer of the winning writing submission, as determined by guest judges.

Our last award, the Exemplary Service Award, can be awarded to any player at Admiralty discretion in recognition of outstanding service to the Fleet as a whole.  To nominate someone for an Exemplary Service Award, please submit their name and reason for nomination via email to

Polls will remain open through Friday, January 10, so be sure to get your votes in as soon as possible. Commanding Officers, don’t forget to forward this update to your crews. Our annual award winners will be announced during our January quarterly meeting.

Speaking of, our next quarterly meeting will be held on Sunday, January 19, and will start at 3:00pm EST (8:00pm GMT). As this will be a live meeting, it will take place on our Discord server.

If anyone has any questions or comments between now and the next meeting, don’t hesitate to send them our way. I can always be contacted at as well as here on Discord. And if I am not available, I encourage you to reach out to Admiral Virtam as well. We can both be reached at as well as @PFCommand on Discord.

Thank you all again for your support and everything you’ve done to make Pegasus Fleet such a great community!
