Hello everyone!
Happy February! Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter this year, and I know some of us have been feeling it lately. There’s not been a lot happening this past month. I know several of us have been incredibly busy with real life and other projects lately, so this month’s update will be short and sweet.
Like we did back in December, I’m choosing to use our website for our monthly updates. I do think this works well since we can embed the Post of the Month poll right inline with the rest of the update. If anyone has any feedback on this, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I do need to post our annual award winners from last month here. I apologize for dropping the ball on that. I will try to do that soon.
The 2025 Khitomer Conference is finally upon us. The Seventh Annual event will kick off this coming Saturday, March 1, at 10:30am EST/3:30pm GMT! We have a lot of great panels lined up this year. I know I’m really looking forward to the event, and I hope to see a strong Pegasus Fleet presence once again.
If you’ve never attended before, or don’t even know what the Khitomer Conference is, it is a role-playing convention focused on simming and Star Trek. The Khitomer Conference is typically the longest of the simming conferences throughout the year, with several hours of voice presentations and text discussions about many different topics.
The schedule can be found on the Khitomer site.
We’ll be updating the schedule on the Discord server soon. All of the action Saturday will be on the Khitomer Discord, which you can join here if you haven’t already.
The Khitomer Conference is always a great opportunity to connect and network with members of the greater simming and role-playing community. And for commanding officers, it’s a great opportunity for posting recruitment ads since there will be so many new people that may not be familiar with your game or Pegasus Fleet. If you are available next Saturday, even if for only part of the day, I highly encourage you to check out the event. It is a great opportunity to learn and grow as players, game masters, and even just as members of the community.
It’s a really great event, and the premiere hosting event for Pegasus Fleet each year. So I really hope that you can join us!
Before I wrap up, I’d like to announce the monthly award winners for January.
Congratulations to our winners!
The Post of the Month winner for December was announced during our January meeting. In order to cast your vote for the January Post of the Month, check out each nominee in the poll below and select your favorite. The poll will remain open through Friday, March 14.
Our next quarterly meeting is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, April 13, at 3:00pm EST (8:00pm GMT). We’ll have another monthly update before then, but we’ll probably do our annual Khitomer debrief in April. I’ll remind everyone of this in our March update.
If anyone has any questions or comments between now and the next meeting, don’t hesitate to send them our way. I can always be contacted at pfco@pegasusfleet.net as well as here on Discord. And if I am not available, I encourage you to reach out to Admiral Virtam as well. We can both be reached at pfcommand@pegasusfleet.net as well as @PFCommand on Discord.
Thank you!