2023 Pegasus Fleet Writing Competition

Hey everyone!

If you missed our October meeting, well, you missed a lot. We unveiled a lot of new things at that meeting, including this new website. But for now I want to talk about our community writing competition. The PFA had been debating some sort of writing competition for some time, and thanks to @Taral-Writes proposing a competition and renewing our interest, we’ve decided to introduce Pegasus Fleet’s first writing competition!

The rules are pretty simple. I will provide a prompt below, and all submissions must follow this theme. However, how you interpret the prompt is up to you, and will be part of what is considered when the judging begins. You may write individually or in groups, but you may only submit one entry per person. That means if you’re writing a solo post, you can’t also submit a joint post, or vice-versa. All submissions must be turned in no later than Thursday, November 30. Judging will take place during the month of December, and the winners will be announced in January along with our annual Fleet awards.

We will award Gold, Silver, and Bronze to the top three winners in the Pegasus Fleet member category. But we are also going to award one winner to an entry from a non-member of Pegasus Fleet. To qualify as a non-member entry, one must not currently be a member of any Pegasus Fleet sims, and they must be a member of the Pegasus Fleet Discord.

Now for the prompt:

“When you went to bed last night, everything was perfectly normal. But you woke up in a strange place. It looks like this place belongs to you. There are photos of you on the walls. But these aren’t your quarters. This isn’t your life. This isn’t your reality. Is this a dream? A delusion? Or have you truly crossed to another timeline, where your life went differently? And if this is real, how do you get home?”

Entries may be emailed to pfco@pegasusfleet.net using the subject “2023 Pegasus Fleet Writing Competition”, and will only be accepted through November 30. So make sure you get your submissions in before the deadline. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Good luck!
